Monday, June 8, 2009

The REAL Monday... No kidding this time!

And that, my friends, is why I started eatting "clean" again and made a goal to hit the gym every day. Wish me luck!!


Stefani said...

What is that even supposed to mean? LOL! I'm with you on that eating and gym thing. Feeling Bloated here.

Annette said...

Oh man, why didn't I see this before I stuffed myself with chocolate cake and muddy buddies today. That is some good motivation right there. Hilarious Engrish!!!

Lydia said...

YES! I love it! I haven't checked out in awhile. Actually, we should prohibit other people undressing themselves, like Jack on the bus!

MrsSquiddles1315 said...

Well I don't. Um ..... what does that even mean?!