Friday, December 26, 2008

The Desire Of My Heart

World peace would be nice. Heck, peace amongst my offspring would be even better. But we all know those things are near impossible. I'm thinking of something much more attainable. I'm thinking of something that I used to have and now I want it back. I'm thinking of this:

Am I crazy? Is that too much to ask for? I've been good. I've been patient. I'm tired of being left behind while the rest of my family goes riding. It doesn't have to be new. Just let it be orange!!! I'm sorry for ever letting it go; my 1999 EXC 125. Please forgive me, KTM!! I'll never switch bike brands again, I promise. And just think how cute our family would look, totally color coordinated:

Orange Bike=Happy Wife, Happy Wife=Happy Hubby.

So that's it. That's all I want. Oh, yeah.... except for the whole baby thing. I want one of those, too. I wonder which one I can talk my husband into first? ............................


Eric Ellis said...

Okay, what happened to that dream about playing hide and seek in the cupboards? I think there is one more empty cupboard, Brandon!

I'm SURE you'll get the bike. After all, Brandon doesn't need any excuses to get more toys! It was 68 today, and we had to force our kids to go outside! Poo...

Stefani said...

Hahaha! I think you deserve the baby AND the cycle!